Antiquities of the Jews 1.249
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- Part of Speech
- Type of Thing Ornamented
- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Literature: prose See all items with this value
1st century CE See all items with this value
Flavius Josephus See all items with this value
Antiquities of the Jews 1.249
τούτων ἀκροασάμενος ἔχαιρέ τε τοῖς γεγονόσι καὶ τοῖς εἰρημένοις τὸν θεὸν οὕτως ὁρῶν αὐτῷ τῆς ὁδοῦ σαφῶς συλλαμβάνοντα, καὶ προκομίσας ὁρμίσκον τε καί τινας κόσμους, οὓς εὐπρεπὲς φορεῖν παρθένοις, ἀνεδίδου τῇ κόρῃ
Visual Work: Jewellery See all items with this value
Bracelet/ necklace and other ornaments
Abraham's servant
Derived directly from text
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