CIL 02-05, 00633 = CIL 02, 02083 (p LXXIX) = CIL 02, 05507 = ILPGranada 00046 = CILA-04, 00017 = SEBarc-08, p 81 = HEp-03, 00182 = HEp-06, 00585 = HEp-12, 00278 = AE 1995, 00844b


Text Category
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
second half
Location of Display
Baetica: Iliberris
CIL 02-05, 00633 = CIL 02, 02083 (p LXXIX) = CIL 02, 05507 = ILPGranada 00046 = CILA-04, 00017 = SEBarc-08, p 81 = HEp-03, 00182 = HEp-06, 00585 = HEp-12, 00278 = AE 1995, 00844b
Ser(gia) Perseus ob honorem] / [VIviratus f]ori et basilicae [intercolumnia cum cancellis] / [et tra]baeclis et postibus [pecunia sua exornata dedit]
Part of Speech
Adjective/ Participle (compound) (passive)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Architectural Element
Object/ Person Ornamented
Intercolumnations at the forum and basilica
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Architectural Element
Visual Work: Material: Wood
Medium/a Ornamenting
Lattices, wood beams, and door posts
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Perseus (Freedman)
Canto de Gregorio 1995: 349-350, nr. 123
AE 1995
Currently held at Museo de la Alhambra
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text