CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027
CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027 CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027 CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027 CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027 CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027 CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027
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- Type of Thing Ornamented
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- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: base See all items with this value
4th century CE See all items with this value
Latium: Rome: Circus Maximus See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 06, 01163 (p 3071, 3778, 4331, 4340) = CIL 06, 31249 = CIL 10, 01863 = CIL 14, *00174 = EE-08-01, 00352 = CLE 00268 = CLE 00279 = D 00736 = ILMN-01, 00027
Patris opus munusqu[e suum] tibi Roma dicavit / Augustus [toto constan]tius orbe recepto / et quod nulla tulit tellus nec viderat aetas / condidit ut claris exa[equ]et dona triumfis / hoc decus ornatum genitor cognominis urbis / esse volens Caesa Thebis de rupe
Location: City See all items with this value
Architecture: Monument See all items with this value
Constantius II
Liverani 2014
Camodeca 2000: 70, nr. 27
Liverani 2012: 472-473
The obelisk bears the inscription and is also the ornament.
Currently held at Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 4108
Derived directly from text