AE 1968, 00593 = IMustis 00019


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Africa Proconsularis: Mustis
AE 1968, 00593 = IMustis 00019
Pantheo Aug(usto) sac(rum) pr[o s]alute / Imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) M(arci) Aur(eli) Seve(ri) Ale[x]andri Aug(usti) / totiusq(ue) domus eius divinae classis tertia / ex curia Aug(usta) templum vetustate corruptum sum/[ptu suo re]stit[uit et e]x[or]n[avit] ex decreto decurio[n]um
Part of Speech
Verb (compound) (active)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Temple
Cultic: Building: Temple
Object/ Person Ornamented
Temple to the Augustan Pantheon (imperial cult)
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Architectural Element
Visual Work: Sculpture: Relief
Medium/a Ornamenting
A restoration - embellishment of architectural features and perhaps improvement of statues
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
The third class of the curia
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text