CIL 03, 09527 (p 2139) = CLE 00719 = ILCV 00079 = ILJug-03, 02677a05 = Salona-04-01, 00096 = AE 1890, 00080 = AE 2005, 01185 = AE 2005, 01186


Text Category
Inscription: epitaph
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
Location of Display
CIL 03, 09527 (p 2139) = CLE 00719 = ILCV 00079 = ILJug-03, 02677a05 = Salona-04-01, 00096 = AE 1890, 00080 = AE 2005, 01185 = AE 2005, 01186
Hic iac<e=I>t Iohannes / peccat<o=V>r et in/dignus presb<y=I>ter // Expleto annorum cir/culo quinto hunc / sibi sepulcrum Io/hannis condere iussit / Marcellino suo procon/sule nato germano prae/sente simul cunctosque // nepotes ornavit tum<u=O>lum / mente fideli defunctus acces/sit (h)os<pe=BI>s una cum coniuge natis / Anastasii servans reverenda / limina s(an)c(t)i tertio post decimum / Augusti numero mens(is) ind(ictione) II prae(sentis) / finivit saeculi diem
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Monument: Funerary: Tomb
Object/ Person Ornamented
Tomb of Iohannes the presbyter
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Inscription
Visual Work: Sculpture: Relief
Architecture: Architectural Element
Visual Work: Painting
Medium/a Ornamenting
Unspecified; context suggests: the architecture of the tomb itself, sculpture (figural or in the round), applied paint
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Iohannes himself
Drew-Bear 2005
Gauthier 2005: 383-395, fig. 1
Bulić 1890: 49-54
Egger 1939: 156-157, nr. 35, fig. 152
Gauthier et al. 2010: 305-312, nr. 96
AE 2005
Held at Split, Archaeological Museum number unknown
Item Identifier
Interpreted from context