CIL 06, 08498 (p 3459, 3890) = ILCV 03332 = ICUR-06, 17246 (p 300) = D 01738 = ICaRoma 00006 = EAOR-01, 00001 = AE 1999, 00144 = AE 2006, +00150

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- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: funerary See all items with this value
3rd century CE See all items with this value
Latium: Rome: Via Labicana See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 06, 08498 (p 3459, 3890) = ILCV 03332 = ICUR-06, 17246 (p 300) = D 01738 = ICaRoma 00006 = EAOR-01, 00001 = AE 1999, 00144 = AE 2006, +00150
Prosenes receptus ad deum V Non(as) [Ma]ias(?) Sa[me in Cephalle]nia(?) Praesente et Extricato II (!) / regrediens in urbe ab expeditionibus / scripsit Ampelius lib(ertus) // M(arco) Aurelio Augg(ustorum) lib(erto) Proseneti / a cubiculo Aug(usti) / proc(uratori) thesaurorum / proc(uratori) patrimoni(i) proc(uratori) / munerum proc(uratori) vinorum / ordinato a divo Commodo / in kastrense patrono piissimo / liberti bene merenti / sarcophagum de suo / adornaverunt
Verb (compound) (active) See all items with this value
Visual Work: Vessel: Funerary See all items with this value
Sarcophagus of Marcus Aurelius Prosenes
Visual Work: Sculpture: Relief See all items with this value
Based on photo - sculpted relief - cornucopias, cupids, griffins, image of Prosenes reclining flanked by sleeping cubes sitting on a bundle of scrolls
Freedmen of the deceased
Carletti 1986: 32, nr. 6
Ferrua 1981
Deichmann et al. 1967: 387, nr. 929
Sabbatini Tumolesi 1988: 19-20, nr. 1
Lampe 1989: 278-281
Carletti 2006: 100, nr. 1
Carletti 2008: 131-132, nr. 3
McKechnie 1999: 131-132, nr. 3
Ramelli 2003: 36
Carletti 2001: 99
Borg 2013: 44-45
AE 1999: 174
CILCV: 3332
Christian sarcophagus. Now in the Park of the Villa Borghese
Derived directly from text