CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753
CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753 CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753
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- Bibliography
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription See all items with this value
1st century CE See all items with this value
Africa Proconsularis: Lepcis Magna See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 08, 22671c = IRT 00300 = CCCA-05, 00046 = AE 1934, 00171 = AE 1999, 01753
Imp(eratore) Caesare Vespasiano [Aug(usto) pont(ifice) m]ax(imo) trib(unicia) potest(ate) III imp(eratore) X co(n)s(ule) IIII des[ig(nato) V p(atre) p(atriae)] / Q(uintus) Manlius Ancharius Tarq[uitius Saturni]nus proco(n)s(ul) patronus d[edicavit] / [3] Volumnius Memor Felix [legatus] pro pr[aetore 3] / Iddibal Balsillecis [f(ilius)] Annobalis n(epos) Asmunis pro[nepos 3]us templum Matris Magna[e 3] / et exor[navit e]x HS CC m(ilibus) n(ummum) d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) d(edit) [3]is et Passienus Maris e[
Verb (compound) (active) See all items with this value
Architecture: Building: Temple See all items with this value
Cultic: Building: Temple See all items with this value
Temple of Magna Mater
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue See all items with this value
Cultic: Object: Effigies/ Representations See all items with this value
Architecture: Architectural Element See all items with this value
Unspecified; context suggests: statues/ cult images, cult objects, architectural elements (columns, capitals, bases)
Iddibal, son of Balsillec, grandson of Annobal, great grandson of Asmun
Bartoccini 1931: 26, 29
Thomasson 1996: 43, nr. 47
AE 1934: 171
Interpreted from context