CIL 08, 26246 = Uchi-01-Rug 00028 = Uchi-02, 00014


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Africa Proconsularis: Uchi Maius
CIL 08, 26246 = Uchi-01-Rug 00028 = Uchi-02, 00014
[Piet]ati(?) Aug(ustae) sa[cr(um)] / [pro salute Imp(eratoris) Caes(aris)] M(arci) Antoni Gordiani Pii Felicis Aug(usti) pon[t(ificis) max(imi) 3] / [3 totiusque(?)] domus eius colonia Alexand[riana Uchitanorum Maiorum 3] / [3 constru]xit(?) et omni cultu exornavit et d[edicavit
Part of Speech
Verb (compound) (active)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Temple @ Cultic: Building: Temple
Object/ Person Ornamented
Temple to Pietas Augusta
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Visual Work: Painting
Cultic: Object: Ritual Objects
Architecture: Architectural Element
Cultic: Monument: Altar
Medium/a Ornamenting
Unspecified; context suggests: cult objects and furniture (i.e. altar, cult images, tools), could also be the architecture itself, mouldings, embellishments, decoration of floors and walls, sculpture
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
The city itself
Mastino 1999
Item Identifier
Interpreted from context