EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016
EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016 EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016 EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016 EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016 EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016
- Text Category
- Century Range
- Precise Date or Date Range
- Location of Display
- Author
- Reference
- Language
- Quotation
- Part of Speech
- Type of Thing Ornamented
- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription See all items with this value
2nd century CE See all items with this value
Noricum: Virunum See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
EQNoricum-V, 00046 = AEA 1993/98, 00352 = AEA 1999/00, +00006 = AEA 1999/00, +00138 = AEA 2001/02, +00007 = AEA 2001/02, +00009 = AEA 2001/02, +00039 = AEA 2001/02, 00068a = AEA 2003, +00027 = AEA 2004, +00011 = AEA 2007, +00048 = AEA 2008, +00036 = AEA 2010, +00014 = AE 1994, 01334 = AE 1996, 01189 = AE 1998, 01016
Tiberius Claudius Quintilianus ob dedicationem templi tabulam / aeream donum dedit et camaram picturis exornavit
Verb (compound) (active) See all items with this value
Architecture: Building: Temple See all items with this value
Cultic: Building: Temple See all items with this value
Architecture: Architectural Element See all items with this value
Chamber in a temple/ sanctuary of Mithras
Visual Work: Painting: Wall Painting See all items with this value
Wall paintings
Tiberius Claudius Quintillianus
Beck 1998: 335-344
d’Ambrosio 1996
Piccottini 1994: 14-44, figs. 9-10, 13-16
Piccottini and Dolenz 1993: 250-256, figs. 7-8
Wedenig 1997: 293-298, nr. V 46
Chalupa 2006: 243-258
AE 1994
AE 1996
AE 1998
Image saved under EQNoricum-V, 00046 because ID is too long
Derived directly from text