Ab urbe condita, 38.43.6


Text Category
Literature: prose
Century Range
1st century BCE/ 1st century CE
1st century BCE
1st century CE
Location of Display
Ab urbe condita, 38.43.6
templa tota urbe spoliata ornamentis; simulacra deum, deos immo ipsos, convulsos ex sedibus suis ablatos esse; parietes postesque nudatos quos adorent, ad quos precentur et supplicent, Ambraciensibus superesse …
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Temple
Object/ Person Ornamented
Temples of Ambracia, Greece. (Once more specifically: Building interior and exterior: the palace of Pyrrhus. And subsequently, presumably, City of Rome.)
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Sculpture: Deity
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Person: Deity
Medium/a Ornamenting
Ornaments of the temples, specified as statues of gods and the very gods themselves.
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text