In Verrem, 2.4.44 (20)


Text Category
Literature: prose
Century Range
Location of Display
In Verrem, 2.4.44 (20)
Cn. Calidio, equiti Romano, per omnes alios praetores licuit habere argentum bene factum, licuit posse domesticis copiis, cum magistratum aut aliquem superiorem invitasset, ornare et apparare convivium.
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Domestic Structure: Interior
Abstract: Event
Object Furniture
Object/ Person Ornamented
The banquets, dining tables, and dining room of Gnaeus Calidius, an equestrian
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Vessel: Plate
Visual Work: Material: Precious Metals: Silver
Medium/a Ornamenting
Silver plate (and presumably other fine table ware not mentioned besides)
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Gnaeus Calidius
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text