CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071
CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071 CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071 CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071 CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071 CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071 CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071
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- Type of Thing Ornamented
- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: dedication See all items with this value
3rd century CE See all items with this value
Mauretania Tingitana: Volubilis See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 08, 09993 (p 976, 980) = CIL 08, 09996 = CIL 08, 10950 = CIL 08, 10951 = CIL 08, 21828 = CIL 08, 21851 = CIL 08, 21852 = ILAfr 00608 = ILM 00070 = ILM 00071
Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) [A]ur[ellio! Anto]nino Pio Felici A[ug(usto) Parth(ico)] max(imo) Britt(annico) [m]ax(imo) Germ(anico) max(imo) / pontifici max(imo) tri[b(unicia) pot(estate) XX] [imp(eratori)] IIII co(n)s(uli) IIII p(atri) p(atriae) p[roco(n)s(uli)] et Iuliae A[ug(ustae)] Piae Felici matri / Au[g(usti) e]t castroru[m et senat]us et patriae res p(ublica) [Volubilitan]oru[m o]b singularem eius e[rg]a universos [et novam] supra omnes [retro prin]cipes indu[lgenti]am arcum / c[u]m seiugibus e[t orname]ntis omnibus in[cohant]e et dedica[nte M(arco)] Aurellio(!) / Sebasteno pr[oc(uratore)] [Aug(usti) d]evotissimo nu[min]i eius a solo fa[ciendu]m cur[a]vit // [Im]p(eratori) Ca[e]s(ari) M(arco) Au[r]ellio(!) Antonino [Pio F]elici Aug(usto) Pa[rth(ico) max(imo) Britt(annico) max(imo) Ge]rm(anico) max(imo) / [pontifi]ci max(imo) trib(unicia) pot(estate) XX imp(eratori) IIII co(n)s(uli) IIII p(atri) p(atriae) pro[co(n)s(uli) et Iulia Aug(ustae) Piae] [Fel]ici ma[t]ri / [Aug(usti) et c]astrorum et senatus et patriae res p(ublica) Vo[lubilitanorum ob singulare]m eius / [erga uni]versos et novam su[pra] om[n]es r[et]ro [principes indulgentiam a]rcum / [cum sei]ugibus et o[r]name[ntis omnibus inc]oha[nt]e [et de]dic[ante M(arco) Aurelli]o / [Sebaste]no proc(uratore) Aug(usti) de[votissi]m[o numini eiu]s a [s]olo [faci]endum [curavit]
Architecture: Monument See all items with this value
Honorary arch
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue See all items with this value
Visual Work: Sculpture: Relief See all items with this value
Vehicle See all items with this value
Sculpted chariots (maybe bronze), and also other ornaments, likely other sculpture in the round or in relief
Marcus Aurellius Sebastenus ,procurator
Derived directly from text