CIL 11, 05432 = ERAssisi 00050 = EAOR-02, 00062


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Precise Date or Date Range
first half
Location of Display
CIL 11, 05432 = ERAssisi 00050 = EAOR-02, 00062
Galeoni]s(?) municipi(o) / [3] fratr(is) nomin(e) / [3 opus amphithea]tri(?) orna[m(entis)] / [3 test]ame[n]to a[diect(is?)] / [
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Civic Building: Amphitheatre
Object/ Person Ornamented
Amphiteathre of Asisium
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Architectural Element
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Visual Work: Textile
Medium/a Ornamenting
Unspecified; context suggests: architectural elements, arches, benches, statues, mouldings, columns, and other parts of the actual amphitheatre, perhaps also the canopy
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Petronia Galeonis
Gregori 1984: 696-679, nr. 2, fig. 6
AE 1988
Item Identifier
Interpreted from context