CIL 02, 03386 (p 952) = D 04422 = SIRIS 00761 = ILPGranada 00063 = CILA-04, 00122 = RICIS-02, 00603/0101 = HEp-05, 00351 `


Text Category
Inscription: base
Location of Display
Hispania Citerior: Acci
CIL 02, 03386 (p 952) = D 04422 = SIRIS 00761 = ILPGranada 00063 = CILA-04, 00122 = RICIS-02, 00603/0101 = HEp-05, 00351 `
Isidi Puel[lae(?)] / iussu dei Net[onis(?)] / Fabia L(uci) f(ilia) Fabiana avia / in honorem Avitae nept(i)s / piisimae ex arg(enti) p(ondo) XCII s(emis) ||(unciarum) |(semunciae) |(scriptulorum) V / item ornamenta in basilio unio et margarita / n(umero) VI zmaragdi duo cylindri n(umero) VII gemma car/bunclus gemma hyacinthus gemmae cerauniae / duae in auribus zmaragdi duo margarita duo / in collo quadribacium margarita n(umero) XXXVI / zmaragdis n(umero) XVIII in clusuris duo in tibiis / zmaragdi duo cylindri n(umero) XI in spataliis zmarag/di n(umero) VIII margarita n(umero) VIII in digito minimo anuli / duo gemmis adamant(ibus) digito sequenti anulus po/lypsephus zmaragdis et margarito in digito summo / anulus cum zmaragdo in soleis cylindri n(umero) VIII
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Visual Work: Sculpture: Deity
Object/ Person Ornamented
Silver statue of Isis
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Jewellery
Visual Work: Material: Precious Stones
Visual Work: Clothing
Medium/a Ornamenting
Diadem with seven pearls, two emerald cylinders, one red gem (garnet?), a hyacinth, two sapphires or flints; earrings with two emeralds and two pearls; a necklace with four strings of 36 pearls, 18 emeralds, and a brooch with 2 emeralds; ankle bracelets with 11 emeralds and 8 pearls, a ring with two diamonds, another ring with a lot of emeralds and a pearl, another ring with an emerald, and shoes with 13 gems
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Fabia Fabiana
Alföldy 1993: 11
Canto de Gregorio 1978
Caro 1982
Fernández Gómez 1980: 143-145
García y Bellido 1949: 393-394, nr. 397
García y Bellido 1967: 106
Hübner 1869: nr. 3386
De Montfaucon 1719: 24, II,2, 136
Méndoza Eguaras 1987: 63
Del Rivero 1933B: 25
Currently held at Sevilla - Museo Arqueológico Provincial
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text