CIL 02-05, 00713 = CIL 02, 02060 (p 705) = D 05496 = ILPGranada 00088 = CILA-04, 00113


Text Category
Inscription: base
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
second half
Location of Display
Baetica: Campo Agro
CIL 02-05, 00713 = CIL 02, 02060 (p 705) = D 05496 = ILPGranada 00088 = CILA-04, 00113
Postumia M(arci) f(ilia) / Aciliana Baxo(nensis?) / poni statuam sibi testamen/to iussit ex HS VIII(milibus) n(ummum) item ornamenta septentrio/nem cylindr(orum) XXXXII marg(aritarum) / VII item lineam cylindrorum / XXII item fasc(iam) cylindr(orum) LXIII / marg(aritarum) C item lineam arg(enteam) / marg(aritarum) XII L(ucius) Fab(ius) Super/stes filius dedicavit / inpositis spataliis arg(enteis) / gemmatis exsuper eius / summae s(upra) s(criptae) / item annulum / HS VII(milium) n(ummum) gemma ias/pide
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Object/ Person Ornamented
Statue of Postumia Aciliana, who ordered it made posthumously
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Jewellery
Visual Work: Material: Precious Metals: Silver
Visual Work: Material: Precious Stones
Medium/a Ornamenting
Jewellery with cylinder cut gems, pearls, silver bracelets and other jewellery
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Lucius Fabius Superstes, Postumia's son
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text