CIL 02, 03387 = ILPGranada 00064 = CILA-04, 00132


Text Category
Location of Display
Hispania Citerior: Acci
CIL 02, 03387 = ILPGranada 00064 = CILA-04, 00132
Livia Chalcedonica / Isidi deae d(evota) / h(ic) s(ita) e(st) / ornata ut potuit / in colle h(abet) monile / gemmeum in digitis / smaragd(i) XX dextra(e) / [
Part of Speech
Adjective/ Participle (passive)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Visual Work: Sculpture: Deity
Object/ Person Ornamented
Statue of Isis
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Jewellery
Visual Work: Material: Precious Stones
Medium/a Ornamenting
Necklace with a gem and 20 emeralds on the fingers of the right hand (rings?)
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Livia Chalcedonica
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text