CIL 03, 06660 (p 2316) = CIL 03, 14161 = ILCV 00798 (add) = CLE 00296 = CLE 01908 = CLEOr 00032 = IGLS-05, 02704 = GLISyrB 00355 = AE 2006, +00004


Text Category
Century Range
Location of Display
Syria: Khan el Abjad
CIL 03, 06660 (p 2316) = CIL 03, 14161 = ILCV 00798 (add) = CLE 00296 = CLE 01908 = CLEOr 00032 = IGLS-05, 02704 = GLISyrB 00355 = AE 2006, +00004
Siccum utiq]ue campum et viantib[u]s satis invisum / [ob sp]a[ti]a prolixa ob vicini mortis eventus / [ob s]itis famem qua non aliud gravius [ull]um / [c]astrum reddidisti comes ornatum sumo decori / Silvine limitis urb[iu]m[que] fortissim{a}e cust<o=V>s / dominorumque fide cu[lt]o[ru]m toto per orbe / et lymfis(!) polle[r]e ca[ele]stibus ita parasti / C{a}ereris ut iugo Ba[cch]ique posset (t)eneri / hospes unde laetus itineris perage cursum / et boni potitu[s] actus cum laude caneto / [m]agnanimi [iudi]cis [p]ace belloque nitentis / quem praecor super[o]s altiori [grad]u subnixum / tal[i]a domin[is v]el ardua c[ond]ere [cas]tra / et natis gaudere deco[r]antibus facta parentis
Part of Speech
Adjective/ Participle (compound) (passive)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Military: Shelter
Object/ Person Ornamented
Fortress/ camp
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Infrastructure
Medium/a Ornamenting
Unspecified, probably towers, architectural embellishment
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Isaac 1986
Item Identifier
Interpreted from context