CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085
CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085 CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085 CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085 CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085
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Inscription See all items with this value
2nd century CE See all items with this value
Transpadana: Comum See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 05, 05262 = CIL 06, p 4712 = D 02927 (p 180) = AE 1947, 00065 = AE 1963, 00190 = AE 1966, 00127 = AE 1983, 00444 = AE 1984, 00436 = AE 1999, 00747 = AE 2001, +01085
C(aius) Plinius L(uci) f(ilius) Ouf(entina) Caecilius [Secundus co(n)s(ul)] / augur legat(us) pro pr(aetore) provinciae Pon[ti et Bithyniae] / consulari potesta[t(e)] in eam provinciam e[x s(enatus) c(onsulto) missus ab] / Imp(eratore) Caesar(e) Nerva Traiano Aug(usto) German[ico Dacico p(atre) p(atriae)] / curator alvei Ti[b]eris et riparum e[t cloacar(um) urb(is)] / praef(ectus) aerari Satu[r]ni praef(ectus) aerari mil[it(aris) pr(aetor) trib(unus) pl(ebis)] / quaestor Imp(eratoris) sevir equitum [Romanorum] / trib(unus) milit(um) leg(ionis) [III] Gallica[e Xvir stli]/tib(us) iudicand(is) therm[as ex HS 3] adiectis in / ornatum HS CCC(milibus) [3 et eo amp]lius in tutela[m] / HS CC(milibus) t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit) [item in alimenta] libertor(um) suorum homin(um) C / HS XVIII(centena) LXVI(milia) DCLXVI rei [p(ublicae) legavit quorum inc]rement(a) postea ad epulum / [p]leb(is) urban(ae) voluit pertin[ere 3]s dedit in aliment(a) pueror(um) / et puellar(um) pleb(is) urban(ae) HS [D(milia) 3 et] in tutelam bybliothe/cae HS C(milia)
Architecture: Building: Civic Building: Baths See all items with this value
Architecture: Infrastructure See all items with this value
Architecture: Architectural Element See all items with this value
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue See all items with this value
Visual Work: Painting See all items with this value
Visual Work: Mosaic See all items with this value
Visual Work: Revetment See all items with this value
Unspecified; context suggests: repair and restoration of architectural elements (columns, porticoes, courtyards, etc) and upkeep of works of visual art (mosaics, statues), also elements like architectural moldings and marble revetments; the components of a bath as well (individual rooms and installations, tubs/ pools etc)
Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)
Strobel 1983
Reggiori 1941: 129-135
López Barja 1993: 168-171, nr. 42
Alföldy 1999: figs. 1, 3
Gibson and Morello 2012: 265-273
AE 1984
AE 1999
Currently held at Milano, Basilica di S. Ambrogio
Interpreted from context