CIL 06, 02104 (p 864, 3261, 3824) = CIL 06, 32388 = CIL 01, 00002 (p 717, 739, 831) = CLE 00001 = D 05039 (p 184) = CFA 00100 = ILLRP 00004 = CSE p 211 = AE 1976, 00012 = AE 2003, +00004

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- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription See all items with this value
3rd century CE See all items with this value
Latium: Rome: Temple of Dea Dia See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 06, 02104 (p 864, 3261, 3824) = CIL 06, 32388 = CIL 01, 00002 (p 717, 739, 831) = CLE 00001 = D 05039 (p 184) = CFA 00100 = ILLRP 00004 = CSE p 211 = AE 1976, 00012 = AE 2003, +00004
inde in tetrastylo <r=A>evers(us) subsellis consed(it) deinde reversus ad aram / ext<as=N> re<d=O>did<it=H> porciliar(es) item in circo in foculo arg(enteo) cespiti ornato extam(!) vacc(inam) redd(idit) et in tetrastylo / reversus est et in codice cavit et praetextam depo<s=P>uit et in pap<i=L>lione suo reversus promeridie autem / fratres Arvales praetextas acceper(unt) et in tetrastylo conveneru<nt=M> et subsellis consederunt et ca<v=D>erunt
Adjective/ Participle (passive) See all items with this value
Visual Work: Vessel See all items with this value
A silver brazier
Earth/ soil
Beard 1985
Henzen 1874
Scheid 1975
Scheid 1990
Scheid 1998
Held in Rome, Vatican, Museo Pio Clementino Sala a Croce Greca 215 [a]
Derived directly from text
- Item sets