CIL 14, 02795 (p 493) = D 00272 = AE 2000, +00251


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CIL 14, 02795 (p 493) = D 00272 = AE 2000, +00251
In honorem memoriae domus Domitiae Augustae Cn(aei) Domiti Corbulonis / fil(iae) Domitii Polycarpus et Europe loc(o) dat(o) decreto ordinis decur(ionum) aedem / fecerunt et exornaverunt statuis et reliquis rebus pecunia sua
Part of Speech
Verb (compound) (active)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Building: Shrine
Cultic: Building: Shrine
Object/ Person Ornamented
Shrine in the Temple of Juno Gabina
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Architecture: Architectural Element
Visual Work: Mosaic
Cultic: Monument: Altar
Medium/a Ornamenting
Statues depicting members of the imperial court/ Domitia's family, and other ornaments (mosaics, revetments, maybe altar, maybe cult images)
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Polycarpus and Europe, freedman and freedwoman of Domitia
Thomas 2007: 187
Giroire and Roger 2007: 102-103
Wrede 1989: 160-163
Verner 1995
Levick 2002
Currently held at Paris (F), Museo del Louvre, Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines, inv. MA 596 (acquisto 1807; restauro 2006)
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text