EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213
EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213 EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213 EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213 EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213
- Text Category
- Century Range
- Precise Date or Date Range
- Location of Display
- Author
- Reference
- Language
- Quotation
- Part of Speech
- Type of Thing Ornamented
- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: epitaph See all items with this value
3rd century CE See all items with this value
Hispania Citerior: Lucus Augusti See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
EE-08-02, 00311 = IRLugo 00032 = IRG-02, 00033 = ZPE-136-233 = HEp-11, 00320 = AE 1955, 00250 = AE 1976, 00311 = AE 1978, 00430 = AE 2001, 01213
D(is) M(anibus) / Philtates / ornatricis / C[3] / Cattunillae / c(larissimae) f(eminae) / domo August(is) / Taurinis / conservi / eius
Master or mistress of Cattunilla
Visual Work: Jewellery See all items with this value
Visual Work: Cosmetics See all items with this value
Visual Work: Clothing See all items with this value
jewellery, makeup, hair accessories, clothing
Canto 1979: 304-306
Le Roux 1977: 83-86
Alföldy 2001
Alföldy 2002A: 83-91, figs. 3-4
AE 1978: nr. 430
AE 1976: nr. 311
IRG 2: nr. 33
Currently held at Lugo, Museo Provincial number unknown
Derived directly from text