CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135
CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135 CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135 CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135 CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135
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- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
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- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: base See all items with this value
2nd century CE See all items with this value
Latium: Rome See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 06, 01444 (p 3805, 4699, 4774) = CIL 06, 31654 = D 01022 = IDRE-01, 00006 = AE 1969/70, 00007 = AE 1982, +00678 = AE 1985, +00721 = AE 1992, 00080 = AE 2000, +00135
[L(ucio) Licinio L(uci) f(ilio) Serg(ia) Surae co(n)s(uli) III / [3] cum / Imp(erator) Caesar Nerva Traian[us Aug(ustus) Germanicus] / Dacicus gentem Dacor(um) et regem Decebalum / bello superavit sub eodem duce leg(ato) pro pr(aetore) ab / eodem donato hastis puris VIII vexillis VIII / coronis muralib(us) II vallaribus II classicis II / auratis II leg(ato) pro pr(aetore) provinciae Belgicae leg(ato) leg(ionis) I / Minerviae candidato Caesaris in praetura / et in tribunatu pleb(is) quaestori provinciae / Achaiae IIIIviro viarum curandarum / huic senatus auctore Imp(eratore) Traiano Aug(usto) / Germanico Dacico triumphalia ornament(a) / decrevit statuamq(ue) pecun(ia) public(a) ponend(am) censuit
Visual Work: Clothing: Insignia See all items with this value
Military: Arms and Armour See all items with this value
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue See all items with this value
Triumphal ornament (specific armour, the privilege of a procession in a chariot and everything else this entails) and a statue
The Senate
Campbell 2016: 106
Held at Rome, Musei Capitolini NCE 1614
Derived directly from text