CIL 06, 40523 = CIL 06, 03754 (p 3071) = CIL 06, 31302 = CIL 06, 36917 = CIL 08, p 2427 = D 06784 = Uthina-01, +00002 = Uthina-02, p 18 = AE 1901, 00085 = AE 1901, 00162 = AE 1903, +00009 = AE 1903, +00037 = AE 1903, +00360


Text Category
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
Location of Display
CIL 06, 40523 = CIL 06, 03754 (p 3071) = CIL 06, 31302 = CIL 06, 36917 = CIL 08, p 2427 = D 06784 = Uthina-01, +00002 = Uthina-02, p 18 = AE 1901, 00085 = AE 1901, 00162 = AE 1903, +00009 = AE 1903, +00037 = AE 1903, +00360
Im[p(eratori) Caes]ari d[ivi] / [Traian]i Parthic[i f(ilio)] / [divi Ne]rvae nepot[i] / [Traiano] Hadriano Au[g(usto)] / [pontif(ici) max(imo) tri]bun[ic(ia)] / potest(ate) XVIII(?) [co(n)s(uli) III p(atri) p(atriae)] / colonia Iu[lia Aug(usta)] / Tertiadecim[anorum] / Uthina ex [Africa] / indulgentia eius au[cta et ornata]
Part of Speech
Adjective/ Participle (passive)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Object/ Person Ornamented
Iulia Augusta Tertiadecimanorum Uthina
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Building
Architecture: Infrastructure
Abstract: Event
Medium/a Ornamenting
"Indulgence" - likely public building/ public works and perhaps also events
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Ruck 2007: 295, nr. 60, t. 42,2
Held at Roma, Lapidario Forense, S. Francesca Romana, chiostro superiore, invv. 5244 e 5247
Item Identifier