CIL 05, 00875 (p 1025) = InscrAqu-01, 00495 = D 01374 = IEAquil 00062 = AE 1893, 00091 = AE 1893, 00125 = AE 1995, +00571


Text Category
Inscription: base
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
Location of Display
Venetia: Aquileia
CIL 05, 00875 (p 1025) = InscrAqu-01, 00495 = D 01374 = IEAquil 00062 = AE 1893, 00091 = AE 1893, 00125 = AE 1995, +00571
[P(ublius)] Tullius MA[3 M]amula(?) [IIII]viri i(ure) d(icundo) III Kal(endas) Iun(ias) / s(enatus) c(onsulto) scrib(endo) adf[uerunt 3] Proculus C(aius) Appuleius Celer / A(ulus) Iunius G[3] Sex(tus) Cossutius Secundus / quod v(erba) f(acta) s(unt) in ho[norem C(ai) Minici Itali splendidi]ssimum virum quidquid conse/qui gratiae au[t potentiae per summos honor]es equestris dignitatis potuerit / i<d=T> omne ad au[gendam et ornandam patria]m suam convertisse
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Object/ Person Ornamented
The fatherland - the empire? The city?
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Architecture: Building
Architecture: Monument
Architecture: Infrastructure
Medium/a Ornamenting
Unspecified; context suggests: likely public works (often architecture and monuments, infrastructure)
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Gaius Minicius Italus
Alföldy 1984: 98-99, nr. 87, t. V 1
Pflaum 1960: 141-143, nr. 59, 1
Lettich 2003: nr. 62
Calderini 1972: 21
Alföldy 1968: 7-8 nrs. 6, 11, 33-34 nr. 14, 44-45 nr. 3, 74 nr. 32, 112 nr. 57, 184 nr. 57a
Sherk 1970: 20-21, nr. 2
Freis 1984: 172, nr. 94
Bergemann 1990: nr. E7
Brusin 1991: 231-233, nr. 0495a-b
Campbell 1994: 60-61, nr. 109
Forbis 1996: 218-219 nr. 430
Lassère 2005: 689, nr. 397
CIL 05: 00875
ILS 1374
# Extremely fragmentary. Decree on a marble base bearing a bronze statue of Italus. # Currently held at Aquileia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 1512 (B) + without number (A)
Item Identifier
Interpreted from context