Exhortatio virginitatis 10.64


Text Category
Literature: prose
Century Range
Exhortatio virginitatis 10.64
Unde et apostoli dixerunt: Non in plicatu capillorum, sicut Petrus docuit, neque in tortis crinibus aut auro et margaritis vel veste pretiosa, ut Paulus asseruit, sed magis interioris hominis ornamenta feminis requirenda, quoniam ille absconditus cordis homo, qui est pauper saeculo, ipse est locuples deo.
Part of Speech
Type of Thing Ornamented
Object/ Person Ornamented
Christian women
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Material: Precious Metals: Gold
Visual Work: Material: Precious Stones
Visual Work: Jewellery
Visual Work: Clothing
Medium/a Ornamenting
Twisted hair (curls? braids?), gold, pearls, expensive clothing
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
The women themselves
The apostles are discouraging this type of outward ornamentation in Christian women
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text