Pro lege Manilia, 1 (1)


Text Category
Literature: prose
Century Range
Location of Display
Pro lege Manilia, 1 (1)
Quamquam mihi semper frequens conspectus vester multo iucundissimus, hic autem locus ad agendum amplissimus, ad dicendum ornatissimus est visus …
Part of Speech
Adjective (superlative)
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Public Space: Forum
Architecture: Building: Civic Building
Architecture: Monument
Object/ Person Ornamented
The Rostrum, the speakers' platform, in the Comitium in the Roman Forum, Rome
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Military: Spoils
Architecture: Monument
Medium/a Ornamenting
Prows of ships. Other ornament unspecified; context suggests: also possibly statues and monuments that stood in the wider space
Person Engaged in Act of Ornamenting
Roman generals of the 4th century BCE, specifically victors in the Battle of Actium
Sense of 'most honoured' also potentially in play
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text