CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182
CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182 CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182
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- Part of Speech
- Type of Thing Ornamented
- Object/ Person Ornamented
- Type of Medium Ornamenting
- Medium/a Ornamenting
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Item Identifier
- Determination
Inscription: base See all items with this value
5th century CE See all items with this value
Latium: Rome: Forum See all items with this value
Unknown See all items with this value
CIL 06, 41389 = ZPE-166-291 = AE 1950, 00030 = AE 1950, +00054 = AE 1956, +00202 = AE 1972, 00066 = AE 1999, +00167 = AE 2000, +00101 = AE 2008, +00182
] / [---?]R[-]O[---] [n]ec non et magistro militum per Gallias quas dudum / [o]b iuratas bello pace victorias Romano imperio / reddidit magistro utriusq(ue) militiae et secundo / consuli ordinario atq(ue) patricio semper rei publicae / [i]npenso omnibusq(ue) donis militarib(us) ornato huic / [s]enatus populusq(ue) Romanus ob Italiae securitatem / quam procul domitis gentib(us) peremptisque / [B]urgundionib(us) et Gotis oppressis vincendo praestit[it] / iussu principum dd(ominorum) nn(ostrorum) Theodosi et Placidi [Valenti]/[n]iani pp(iissimorum) Augg(ustorum) in atrio libertatis quam [ingenio? suo?] / [pa]rens erigit dilatat et tuetur aeque st[atuam aere?]/am conlocavit morum probo opum refugo delato/rum ut hostium inimicissimo vindici libertatis / pudoris ultor<i>
Adjective/ Participle (passive) See all items with this value
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue See all items with this value
Flavius Aetius, and a statue of him
Military: Arms and Armour See all items with this value
Military ornaments - armour, weapons, standards, etc
Degrassi 1946
Bartoli 1946
Olajos 1971
Currently held at Rome, Forum, entrance to Curia, Lapidario Forense, inv. no. 12462
Derived directly from text