CIL 11, 01421 (p 1263) = InscrIt-07-01, 00007 = D 00140 = DecretaPisana 00002 = Epigraphica-2007-99 = AE 1991, +00021 = AE 2000, +00037 = AE 2002, +00451 = AE 2003, +00626 = AE 2007, +00070 = AE 2007, +00539


Text Category
Century Range
Precise Date or Date Range
Location of Display
CIL 11, 01421 (p 1263) = InscrIt-07-01, 00007 = D 00140 = DecretaPisana 00002 = Epigraphica-2007-99 = AE 1991, +00021 = AE 2000, +00037 = AE 2002, +00451 = AE 2003, +00626 = AE 2007, +00070 = AE 2007, +00539
… utique [ian]us celeberrimo coloniae nostrae loco constituatur orna/tu[s sp]oleis devictarum aut in fidem receptarum ab eo gentium super / eu[m st]atua pedestris ipsius triumphali ornatu circaque eam duae / eq[uest]res inauratae Gai et Luci Caesarum statuae ponantur...
Type of Thing Ornamented
Architecture: Monument
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Object/ Person Ornamented
Triumphal arch and a statue of Gaius Caesar
Type of Medium Ornamenting
Military: Arms and Armour
Visual Work: Sculpture: Statue
Visual Work: Painting
Visual Work: Clothing: Insignia
Medium/a Ornamenting
Spoils from defeated peoples in Asia, Armenia, Arabia (arch) - could be swords, shields, gold/ precious metal objects either whole or melted and re-formed, maybe also statues
Triumphal garb - armour, robe, crown, red paint? (statue of Lucius and Gaius)
Rowe 2002: chapter 4
Arias et al. 1977: 88-95
Marotta D’Agata 1980: 21-23
Segenni 2011: 20-23
Held at Pisa, Opera della Primaziale Pisana number unknown
Item Identifier
Derived directly from text